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    • Balance Math
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EDUBALANCE SYSTEM : Set its core value on holistic development of the education, BLUE WORKS has designed EDUBALANCE to faster global leaders equipped with both knowledge as well as humanistic values. EDUBALANCE is based on in structural method theory of John Dewey, an American philosopher and educator and KDB(Knowledge-Do-Be) model theory of Drake & Burns. Both theories share the same educational philosophy and basis of BLUE WORKS. BLUE WORKS aims to help the holistic development of the student in balance of current knowledge and with the based education with daily experience and education of humanistic values. Along with balanced learning of Knowledge and values, BLUE WORKS also has set its educational goal in ideal holistic education. One method to achieve this goal is to lead the student to think about a certain subject or concept in various ways of other subjects, which improves the depth of thinking while encountering various ways of learning. From now on, BLUE WORKS shall offer its best to foster global leaders in perfect balance of knowledge and value through EDUBALANCE.

Ideal Integrated Education In process of development, elementary school students comprehend their experience in general rather than in analytic way. Consequently, suggesting a subject in a way of an analysis reduce the variety of thoughts drawn from the students. If the subject is presented in general, the variety in learning extends without any limits. Integrated Education enhances creativity as well as the feeling of autonomy in self-learning. EDUBALANCE of BLUE WORKS offers an ideal integrated education for extensive and deliberative thoughts.

Global Leadership
			Creative open mind, sensitivity, solid knowledge and loving & caring personality are the elements of global leadership that BLUE WORKS works for.

Value in Korean Culture and Global Mind Global leader should have global mind which understands not only Korean culture but also other countries’ culture and their ways at the same time. 
			ALANCE LEARNING is a designed program which based on Korean curriculum and adds the contents which enhance global mind, therefore, while studying, the students easily acquire balanced knowledge and value among those different cultures and ways. Balance Learning System of BLUE WORKS is ready to offer various programs starting with Balance Math. The educational objective of EDUBALANCE is the balance between full knowledge and right value. 
			The first item, Balance Math may not have much of humanistic values yet it will surely enhance balanced math skills through learning 5 main categories, rather than current calculation focused math. Nevertheless, Balance Math shall bring the balance between calculation skills and thinking ability, understanding and creativity, and also develop problem solving skills. Such development shall be solid foundation for the student to be able to overcome all problems later in the society. 
			Balance Math, it is the ultimate solution. There is no better Math Learning System.